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【9.1讲座】第18期国际发展论坛: Structural Transformation in Developing Countries: An UNCTAD perspective


Time:15:00-16:30, September 1 (Fri.), 2017

Venue:Zhifuxuan Classroom, National Schoolof Development, PKU

Language:  English

Organized by:    
Center for New Structural Economics at Peking University (CNSE)
Institute of South-South Cooperation and Development at Peking University (ISSCD)

Jiajun XU(Assistant Professor, Executive Deputy Director, CNSE, Peking University)

Richard Kozul-Wright(Director of the Globalization and Development Strategies Division in UNCTAD)


Emerging Economies and the End of Hyper Globalization

Recent events have provoked considerable hand wringing from supporters of globalization; talk of rising trade protectionism, currency wars, migration controls and economic populism have been taken as evidence that the open global economic order built over the previous seven decades is under serious threat, with some even warning of a return to the kind of economic and political chaos witnessed during the interwar years. Emerging economies, particularly China, have been called on to take up the mantle of this order, on the grounds that they have been its biggest beneficiaries and will be its biggest losers if the roll back gathers pace. Drawing on recent UNCTAD research, the presentation will raise some questions about this narrative, suggesting that the era of hyper globalization has had a more skewed and uneven impact on developing countries, with divergent performances through the late 1990s followed by strong growth and poverty reduction across the South from the start of the millennium but with limited progress (or actual set backs) with respect to structural transformation, employment and distributional outcomes. It will argue that a reassessment of the current rules and practices of the international economic game will be required, including a much greater accommodation of active macroeconomic and industrial policies, if more sustainable and inclusive outcomes are to be achieved going forward.


Richard Kozul-Wright
Mr. Richard Kozul-Wright is Director of the Globalization and Development Strategies Division in UNCTAD. He has worked at the United Nations in both New York and Geneva. He is currently Director of the Division on Globalization and Development Strategies at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and is responsible for its flagship publication The Trade and Development Report. He holds a Ph.D in economics from the University of Cambridge UK and  has published widely on economic issues including, inter alia, in the Economic Journal, the Cambridge Journal of Economics, The Journal of Development Studies, and the Oxford Review of Economic Policy. He is the co-author (with Paul Rayment) of The Resistible Rise of Market Fundamentalism and he has also edited volumes on Transnational Corporations and the Global Economy,Economic Insecurity and Development, Securing Peace, Climate Protection and Development, and Industrial Policy.

The New Structural Economics & International Development Forum

The New Structural Economics & International Development Forum was initiated in March 2016 and is co-organized by the Center for New Structural Economics (CNSE) and the Institute of South-South Cooperation and Development(ISSCD) at Peking University. The Center aspires to advance the frontier research on structural change and help developing countries to promote economic structural transformation. The Forum aims to bridge the gap between research and practice by hosting high-profile, open and equal conversations among scholars, professionals, policy makers and entrepreneurs in the field of international development.

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